Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Camp Storyboard/Animatic is up!

Well, a day over a week since i told myself I would be done storyboarding the animation, I'm finally... kind of... finished. I'm still missing an ending, but I figured I just need to get animating before I let this thing drag on too long. I'm still basically teaching myself to draw beyond characters in blank space, so there was some unexpected puzzle-solving I had to do. So anyway, here's an extremely rough version (both in animation and quality. I need to figure out how to put Quicktime files up.) of what I intend to do. I have some notes below it.


1. When I was creating the fire circle, I basically fell in love with Mopey Camper (on the far left). I'm seriously considering putting him in the place of Happy Camper on the far right, since he's more interesting, and there would probably be a more interesting emotional change.

2. I will make the archery target more three-dimensional for the real thing, as you can see, there are many parts of this where I was kind of rushing.

3. I totally messed up the perspective in the pool shot. It looks like a vast Olympic-size pool instead of a camp swimming pool, and the lifeguard, and more importantly the lifesaver, are too small.

4. I will probably add someone (Ropes staff) onto the platform in the tree.

5. Okay, the kid falling behind in the Run and Scream shot looks like a retard.

6. I don't know why I put space between the initial four kids in the Nature shot, since the whole point is that they crowd around.

7. Yes, there will be an ending, but this is almost the whole thing anyway.

I'm deciding between animating from beginning to end or in order of ostensive (sic?) difficulty. Either way, I need to start... tonight.


Anonymous said...

hey Sues, it's Danielle (Romeo). First off, gotta say that I am mucho jealous of your blog. I have a livejournal blog, but that hardly counts...

anyway, as far as the camp storyboard goes, I love the stick animations and the transitions and can't wait to see what it looks like in not-so-crappy-rough-sketch form, lol. It was a little hard to understand because some of the slides barely showed up at all, but overall, I can't wait to see how this turns out!

Good luck getting it done on time!

Anonymous said...

dear stephen.

i was unable to fully appreciate your storyboard as it was very difficult to see the images clearly on my computer. From what i could see and from what you noted about your ideas for this animation i feel like you have a great piece of art in the making. Your goals are set and your past the planning stage (for the most part) and simply need to put it together. I commend you on your dedication and creative insights that is needed to make such a phenomenal work of artistic imagery that entertains the most simplistic and complex of human personalities. I expect great things from you. Complete your vision and release it to the world!

Hanan Zatloff